Venetian Windows Bracelet Process
I focused on both the Istrian marble that frames Venetian windows as well as leaded glass patterns.
Drawing of Bracelet Concept
THe Wax
The Finished product
The Venetian Windows bracelet was a tipping point for me. I had designed things for myself before and had them made. But the Venetian Windows bracelet highlighted my collaboration with my goldsmith and brought it to another level. I spent a month or more yearly in Venice for several years, living and studying history there. One can’t help but be struck by the charm of the architecture. I kept looking for a piece of jewelry that, for me, really captured all that I love about Venice. I couldn’t find anything, so I thought I would design something.
Venice was a world-class economic and political empire a thousand years ago. Venetian Windows are a powerful symbol of Venice and its history. They grab the eye. One can identify many a Venetian building by its windows. Through windows, we can catch glimpses of the lives of the families that lived inside, and at the same time, windows look out on the world. Venetian Windows symbolize Serenissima at its height. They are bordered with Istrian marble imported from the eastern Adriatic (now Croatia), which was once a part of the Venetian empire. Of course, what else are windows made of? Glass! Glass was the commodity that Venetians held the secret to and exported to the far corners of the world. Venice grew wealthy through trade. The shapes of Venetian Windows recall the architectural styles that adventurous and wealthy Venetians would have seen in their travel to eastern markets. Indeed, Venetian Gothic architecture is a mash of local building requirements and influence from Venetian trading partners in both the Byzantine and Islamic worlds. Each window is made up of two panels that are fused together. The front panel is what would have been made of Istrian marble with its elaborately carved stone. The back panel is an engraved gold version of the different leaded glass patterns that one finds in Venice still. The finials on the toggle and hinges are taken from the shape of the poles that Venetians tie their gondolas up to. The cross hatching on the toggle suggests the two tone brick pattern on the Doges Palace. The quatrefoil ring of the toggle is a common element in Venetian Gothic Architecture.